Ghost Lover Official Trailer Final Version

This is how the timeline looks like for the final drafts:


I’ve included the full non-diegetic sound of my background music using the my own original soundtrack at the beginning of the trailer. I layered the background music and the voice over in audio section. Background music will play for the whole time. Whenever there is an audio for voice over, I selected the area of background music that is layered under the voice over. I used exponential fade on background music as the transition and slow down the volume of background music that is selected. At the end of the selected background music I used constant power to make the audio slowly get to high volume.

Click below link to listen to my original track:


Written codes:

I decided to change the written codes again. The written codes changed to anchor the character personality of Zoella. Pink would subverts her character therefore I changed the font colour to black. I also changed the font type to be simpler in order to emphasise the written codes better and easier for the audience to read. I used fade up by line and slowly fade out as the transitions for every written codes.

Below is the converted video of recent written codes that I used in my official trailer.


As for credits, I used Photoshop software to edit it and I exported it to image then I imported to After Effects software. As I’ve mentioned several times, I tried to use a variety of programmes so that it helps me to practice and familiarise myself with this advance technology. This is how the credit looks like after I edited in Photoshop software:

Credit Title GL.jpg

Then I layered the film ratings and the classifications systems of my film based on BBFC, MPAA and Hong Kong motion picture rating system on the timeline. I presented this rating horizontally at the bottom left of the screen and institutions’ logo at the bottom right of the screen. Not to forget I even put #GhostLover under the date of the film release to follow the contemporary trailers regardless the genre.

Below is the converted video of credits and date the film comes out:

There are mistakes that I would like to reflect even though this is my final version for official teaser trailer. There are parts where written codes are in between scenes. I tried to make the volume higher when written codes are showing and use cross fade and turn down the volume when the next scene is about to come. However, it sounds too bizarre because I turn the volume too much and it seems like the music comes in too sudden even though I put constant gain as the audio transition.





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